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Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Be Confident

Make a list of special talents you have, or things you do that are good—morally or otherwise.

Focusing on your attributes helps distract you from those parts of yourself that you think are flawed. It doesn't have to be a specific skill or activity either; it can be an approach or an attitude that you champion through life. Do you always stay calm, cool and collected, even in hurried situations? Are you very patient with people? Do you always see the humorous side of things? Are you always there for your friends?
Find your passion.
Find your passion. Whether it's baton twirling, martial arts, classic cars, or basket weaving, you will feel confident pursuing that endeavor by recognizing what you enjoy doing the most. More importantly, you'll be enjoying your progress.

Choose a role model,whether someone close to you, or someone famous.
Choose a role model,whether someone close to you, or someone famous. Think of the qualities that the role model displays, whether physical, emotional, moral, and/or spiritual.Make sure they have done something that is special and related to you. Work towards acquiring their special talents .

Focus on others.
Focus on others. Try not to focus negatively on what others think of you. Instead, focus more on what they think of themselves, and try to help them become happier and more confident.
Accept compliments gracefully. Don't roll your eyes and say, "Yeah, right," or shrug it off. Take it to heart and respond positively ("Thank you" and a smile works well).

Know that you have important things to say and do.
Know that you have important things to say and do. When you feel strongly about something, speak loudly and clearly and make eye contact with people. Let go of your fear of coming off as annoying or overbearing. People will judge you all the time, and usually they'll misjudge you anyway, so why bother trying to cater to their opinions at all?

Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Don't abuse your body, don't overload it, and don't deny it any of the things it needs. At the same time, don't obsess. Buying all the moisturizers, creams and conditioners will not bring you closer to who you want to be. Those things are only band-aids and make up. Confidence comes from within. Take the time to reflect on your life and do some emotional maintenance. In order to be confident, you must value yourself and understand that your well-being is important.

Stick up for yourself.
Stick up for yourself. If people put you down (and not in a good-natured, joking way), then let them know that their opinion of you is not held by everyone--most of all yourself. This may, at first, be hard to do. But once you stick up for yourself a few times, your confidence builds and you get more adept at it.

Celebrate your individuality.
Celebrate your individuality. If you know you've got something special or different, then embrace it—don't hide it! That's diversity! You may wish that you were taller, or shorter, skinnier, stronger, whatever the case may be. But you need to realize that if you were like everyone else, then you wouldn't be who you are. "What am I?" you ask; the answer's easy: You're a unique individual who is capable of growing and learning.

Improve your posture.
Improve your posture. Having good posture can actually make you feel more confident.[1] Don't slouch or slump your shoulders. Make sure that your back is straight, your shoulders are square, and your chest is puffed out slightly (but stay loose, otherwise you'll appear stiff and uptight). Good posture also helps with deep breathing, which helps with feeling calm and relaxed.

Take action.
Take action. It is surprising how powerful the simple step of taking an action can be. And the action you take need not be something extravagant or grand. It could be something as simple as tackling a task that you have been procrastinating, such as writing a letter or tidying up that corner of the garage that has been out of control for the last several months. It could also be something as interesting as taking a class in yoga, art, interior design, anything that interests you that you haven't done yet. Whether large or small, action brings with it exhilaration, enthusiasm, and the confidence that other things can be done as well.

Best ways to Hack Facebook Account

Best ways to Hack Facebook Account
DISCLAIMER: This article Just discuss my research on How someone could Get your Facebook Password.We are not providing any service  for that.Please take this article as  Security Majors to protect your Facebook account. Please Don’t comment to get control over someone account.

Now a days Facebook becomes the number#1 social networking portal that touches every one’s life. hacking of Facebook account becomes to hot trends.People are now a days looking to Hack Facebook Passwords to steal someones’ personal life. 60% people are looking for control over their girlfriends Facebook account ..!!. A lot of people contact me about suspecting their boyfriend/girlfriend of cheating, They ask for a Tutorial for hacking Facebook Account passwords.

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There are many websites that give  guarantee to hack Facebook account and try to sell video that demonstrate hacking of Facebook. also many websites are try to sell products by marketing slogan like”hack Facebook account for free”.

How to hack facebook Account

I personally interested in Facebook hack to reveal my few fellow guys,I looked for various Facebook methods taken on web about hacking Facebook here i am going to share  my experience of search for Facebook account hack. I am going to expose whole my search on that topic  and I don’t want people to ask this to me again and again.  My goal is to explain the whole process of  how to hack facebook account Username and Password
Different Ways to Hack Facebook Account
Facebook account can be hack from one of following ways.
  1. Facebook Phishing
  2. By use of Key logger
  3. Facebook Account hack with get control on Primary email address
Facebook Phishing Attack :
This is one of the most popular methods to hack Facebook account online.also it is the one of the best popular and favorite method for Facebook hackers. Phishing not only allows you to hack Facebook but also can be used to hack any email account. You have to only get the trick used to make a phisher, which i think is very easy. Phishing is one of the easiest methods to foll someone and get Facebook account password. I mention the process for educational purpose only.I will go explaing in details on my next article on  How to hack Facebook password.
Use Key logger to hack  Facebook passwords
Installing key-logger on victims machine and later read key logs to gain access to hack  facebook account for free. To Install keylogger, you should have a physical access to  victim’s case, you don’t have , then you can install key-logger remotely.
What a key-logger does is it stores the keystrokes into a text log file and then these  logs can be used to  get required Facebook password and you can  hack Facebook Account.

Facebook security majors

Get access to Primary email address to hack someone’s Facebook account
let say,if you want to gain access  to someones account, i think hacking victims email address(Primary email address of Facebook) is easier than hacking of facebook. Most of the users uses 1 gmail or yahoo account email address as as primary email address. A genius hacker can easily gain over victims’ gmail account or yahoo email account.
After gaining control over primary email address of facebook, you simply use the  “Forgot password” facility that will ask Facebook to send password reset email to your primary email address- which is already hacked.
Thus, your Facebook account password will be reset and to hack Facebook account you already have another alternative as well !!!
You Must Know : about to hack a Facebook account details
From my goggling and research, I found above three methods for gaining access of Facebook account information as the best and working.If you know, any others alternative  ways to hack facebook account passwords, please do share your suggestions to get better awareness about facebook secuiry .
I never encourage hacking Facebook or any email account,,I just wanna make you aware about Facebook security and related risk involve with primary email address of Facebook. I will appreciate your effort if you discuss about how we can keep facebook account secured.

How to Lose Weight - The Basics of Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight - The Basics of Weight Loss
Rules of Weight Loss
To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.
  1. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.
  2. Calculate your activity level. For a week or so, keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day.
  3. Keep track of how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count) or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.
  4. Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight.
Mary's BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories (1400 + 900= 2300). However, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she's eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain about a pound every 2-3 weeks.
This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it's also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you're eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you're on the right track. Try these ideas:
Instead of...
Do this...
An afternoon Coke
Drink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)
An Egg McMuffin
Eat a small whole wheat bagel +1 Tbsp of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)
Using your break eat sweets
Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)
Hitting the snooze button
Get up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)
Watching TV after work
Do 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)

Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-pound person)
Exercise is an important weight loss tool, but how much you need varies from person to person. The guidelines recommend at least 250 minutes per week, which comes out to about 50 minutes, 5 days a week. If you're a beginner, start small, for example with 3 days of cardio for 15-30 minutes, gradually adding time each week to give your body time to adapt. Learn more about getting in shape and getting started with exercise.